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Pictures - page 2





President Jackie presenting President David of Marlow Rotary Club with a 70th jewel for the President’s chain of office


















President Jackie with Elizabeth Burthon-Phillips from DrugFam and Debbie Raven from Thames Hospice







President Jackie Inducting Pauline 









Planting the peace roses at a local school, this report appeared in the Bucks Free Press

 Christmas meal 












Preparations for the Marlow Inner Wheel Bridge afternoon


President Jackie laying the Inner Wheel wreath at the Marlow Rememberence Service

 President Jackie with all the knitted teddies, blankets and baby 'fish and chip' newborn baby outfits that Marlow Inner Wheel donated to the Aqua Box Charity.







President Jackie with Rotarian David Southerland our speaker representing Aqua Box


Joan arranged for a picture and article to get into the Marlow Free Press




Knitted teddies waiting for the speaker from Aqua Box next month




President Jackie w ith our October meeting speaker, Elizabeth Burton-Phillips, MBE the founder of DrugFAM


President Jackie with new member Pauline at her induction





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